Closing Thoughts

One day, during the beginning of the Pandemic, I opened up the chest where I keep all of my printed photographs.   Many of the old ones are in albums, some are still in the envelopes from the developer and some are loose.   There isn't a lot of organization to them.    Since I was unable to travel, I had a lot of time.  I started looking through them.   

I found that the photos I enjoyed the most were my travel photos.    Many of those brought back a lot of memories.   And the ones I enjoyed the most were the ones with people I had met along the way.    The hundreds of photos of buildings and landmarks were generally forgettable.   But sometimes, even those reminded me of a story.

I wanted to do something with all of these photos, but there were too many to deal with.   That's when I challenged myself to start picking just one photo from every country.    In some cases, I picked three or four and later decided which would be "the one."   Then I moved on to my digital photos.  Those were much easy to review since they were largely organized by year and the location.    

From there, I scanned the prints and copied the digital photos into a folder on my computer and began this project.   I changed some of the photos three or four times which also meant re-writing the story that went along with the photo.    

There were two countries that I did not include.   I made a quick stop in Tanzania, but I never got off the plane and I didn't take any photos.   There was nothing to tell.  The other country I did not write about was the United States.  I've lived here for my entire life.   I didn't "visit" the United States, I lived here.   It didn't seem to fit with the rest of the project.

But I did find one additional photo I wanted to share.   I took this photo with my very first camera; a Black & White Polaroid.   I don't know the year this photo was taken, sometime in the late 1960s, but it is one of the only photos I have of my entire family.    All eight of the people in this photo have been huge influences of my life and it seemed like a fitting way to end.

Clockwise from Center: Maria (sister), Becky (sister) Betty Hunsicker (grandmother), Neville Hunsicker (grandfather), Shirley (mother), John Macfarlan (grandfather), Margaret Macfarlan (grandmother) Phil Hunsicker (father)

Thank you for following along and I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures as much as I enjoyed writing about them.

I hope to resume traveling soon.    

I'm going to close with a quote from my friend Roberto Pazos.  We’ve been to 32 countries together and he always closes his TV show by saying “I'll see you at the Airport."

I hope to "...see you at the Airport" soon.  

Do you have a favorite post?  A comment about the series?  If so, please let me know in the comment box below.

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