In 1990, it had been one year since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I was working at WHP-TV in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and we decided to do a series of reports on what had changed in the past year.
I traveled across the Atlantic with reporter Evan Forrester and photographer Jerry Trently. We spent most of our time in Germany except for the night we decided to make a run to the Denmark border.
And that is exactly what it was. We had rented a small car and it barely fit the three of us much less all of the TV equipment we were carrying. In those days, we still used gigantic cameras and recording decks and we had brought two of everything with us.
We were in Husum, Germany, an industrial city on the North Sea. We didn't have anything scheduled one night so instead of sitting in a pub drinking German beer, we decided it would be fun to go to Denmark. We got in the car and went.
Jerry Trently and Evan Forrester in Denmark at the German border
It took us about an hour to get there. And once we got there, there wasn't anything other than a sign at the border. We may have been in Denmark for 10 minutes, but that is probably an exaggeration. We took this photo and headed back to Husum.
I've linked the video of two of the stories we produced in Germany. Sadly, Jerry passed away about 15 years later after a battle with brain cancer. Evan is still in the Harrisburg area where he is the news anchor at Fox43.
Of all the places I've been, I can definitely say that I spent less time in Denmark than in any other country. It was just a simple run to the border and back.
Dates of Travel
- September, 1990
Places Visited
- Border of Denmark and Germany