By John Coyne on Sunday, March 27th 2011
Christopher Beale (Eastern Caribbean 2005-07 ) has done an amazing thing for RPCV writers. He had built a book publishing company–Other Places Publishing–located in North Carolina that publishes travel guides written by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who, as he says, ”Few travelers (or travel guides) have the experience and local knowledge that an RPCV has about his or her country.”
Chris started in early 2009 to develop his travel guides written and researched by RPCVs. To date, they had published eight book with another 10 coming out within the next few months. With a few exceptions, everyone who works with Chris, from editors, writers, researchers andphotographers, are RPCVs.
Today, Other Places Publishing has guide books for Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Pacific. The newest publication isMaking Peace with the World Photographs of Peace Corps Volunteers by Richard Sitler (Jamaica 2000-02). Sitler, who worked at newspapers in Ohio, Indiana, New Hampshire and New Jersey, returned to Jamaica in 2006 as a Crisis Corps Volunteers, then traveled the world to record the stories of PCVs. Rather than look back on the 50 years of the agency, Making Peace with the World,showcases the Peace Corps as it is today. To do the book, Richard spent two years going to 22 countries on five continents.
Other RPCVs who have written or contributed to travel books for Chris, and who were in the Peace Corps between 2000 and 2010, are:
Felicie Reid ( Benin) Lead Writer
Erika Kraus ( Benin) Lead Writer
Patrick Erdley ( Bulgaria) Contributing Writer
Leslie Strnadel ( Bulgaria) Lead Writer
Callie Flood ( Cape Verde) Lead Writer
Brittany Kuhn ( Cape Verde)Contributing Writer
Anna McCanse ( Dominica) Lead Writer
Zak Klein (Dominica) Contributing Writer
Katherine Tuider (Dominican Republic) Lead Writer
Evan Caplan ( Dominican Republic) Contributing Writer
Jake Fawson ( Gabon) Editor
Steve McNutt ( Gabon) Editor
Mike Dreyfuss ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Julie Nguyen ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Sonya Dugal ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Maria Karlya ( Ghana) Lead Writer
Sara LeHoullier ( Madagascar ) Lead Writer
Christi Turner ( Madagascar ) Photographer
Natasha Oxenburgh ( Mali) Lead Writer
Chad Lathe ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Ben Cook ( Micronesia/Palau) Lead Writer, Editor
Lorry Marvin ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Christy Lejkowski ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Richard Lejkowski ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Megan McCrea ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Michael Gall ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Nathan Chamberlain ( Mongolia) Lead Writer
Leslie Chamberlain ( Mongolia) Lead Writer
Andrew Cullen ( Mongolia) Contributing Writer
Ashlee Christian ( Mongolia) Contributing Writer
Jeremiah Allen ( Namibia) Lead Writer
Thomas Rhoden ( Thailand) Lead Writer
Jason Schneider (Tonga) Contributing Writer
Steve Hunsicker ( Tonga) Contributing Writer
Kate Asleson ( Tonga) Lead Writer
Ashley Hardaway ( Ukraine) Lead Writer
Check out: for a list of books before you travel anywhere, or perhaps you have a travel book idea that might interest Chris. Drop him a note. Tell him Coyne sent you!
Christopher Beale (Eastern Caribbean 2005-07 ) has done an amazing thing for RPCV writers. He had built a book publishing company–Other Places Publishing–located in North Carolina that publishes travel guides written by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who, as he says, ”Few travelers (or travel guides) have the experience and local knowledge that an RPCV has about his or her country.”
Chris started in early 2009 to develop his travel guides written and researched by RPCVs. To date, they had published eight book with another 10 coming out within the next few months. With a few exceptions, everyone who works with Chris, from editors, writers, researchers andphotographers, are RPCVs.
Today, Other Places Publishing has guide books for Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Pacific. The newest publication isMaking Peace with the World Photographs of Peace Corps Volunteers by Richard Sitler (Jamaica 2000-02). Sitler, who worked at newspapers in Ohio, Indiana, New Hampshire and New Jersey, returned to Jamaica in 2006 as a Crisis Corps Volunteers, then traveled the world to record the stories of PCVs. Rather than look back on the 50 years of the agency, Making Peace with the World,showcases the Peace Corps as it is today. To do the book, Richard spent two years going to 22 countries on five continents.
Other RPCVs who have written or contributed to travel books for Chris, and who were in the Peace Corps between 2000 and 2010, are:
Felicie Reid ( Benin) Lead Writer
Erika Kraus ( Benin) Lead Writer
Patrick Erdley ( Bulgaria) Contributing Writer
Leslie Strnadel ( Bulgaria) Lead Writer
Callie Flood ( Cape Verde) Lead Writer
Brittany Kuhn ( Cape Verde)Contributing Writer
Anna McCanse ( Dominica) Lead Writer
Zak Klein (Dominica) Contributing Writer
Katherine Tuider (Dominican Republic) Lead Writer
Evan Caplan ( Dominican Republic) Contributing Writer
Jake Fawson ( Gabon) Editor
Steve McNutt ( Gabon) Editor
Mike Dreyfuss ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Julie Nguyen ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Sonya Dugal ( Ghana) Contributing Writer
Maria Karlya ( Ghana) Lead Writer
Sara LeHoullier ( Madagascar ) Lead Writer
Christi Turner ( Madagascar ) Photographer
Natasha Oxenburgh ( Mali) Lead Writer
Chad Lathe ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Ben Cook ( Micronesia/Palau) Lead Writer, Editor
Lorry Marvin ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Christy Lejkowski ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Richard Lejkowski ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Megan McCrea ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Michael Gall ( Micronesia/Palau) Contributing Writer
Nathan Chamberlain ( Mongolia) Lead Writer
Leslie Chamberlain ( Mongolia) Lead Writer
Andrew Cullen ( Mongolia) Contributing Writer
Ashlee Christian ( Mongolia) Contributing Writer
Jeremiah Allen ( Namibia) Lead Writer
Thomas Rhoden ( Thailand) Lead Writer
Jason Schneider (Tonga) Contributing Writer
Steve Hunsicker ( Tonga) Contributing Writer
Kate Asleson ( Tonga) Lead Writer
Ashley Hardaway ( Ukraine) Lead Writer
Check out: for a list of books before you travel anywhere, or perhaps you have a travel book idea that might interest Chris. Drop him a note. Tell him Coyne sent you!