1. President Washington.2. President John Adams.3. President Thomas Jefferson.Governor of Virginia. Member of Continental Congress. Author of Declaration of Independence. Ambassador to France. Secretary of State under George Washington. Vice President under John Adams. President by election of House of Representatives. Tied with Aaron Burr who became Vice Presdent. (Political Parties)In 1803, made Louiisiana Purchase. 15 million dollars or 14 cents an acre. 16 states from Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains. Gulf of Mexico to Canada. Doubled area of American Nation.2 million for N.O. = Great accomplishments in Education and religion. Law of Virginia for Religious Freedom, Father of University of Virginia and Declaration of Independence. Inventor.Greatest compliment paid by President John Kennedy. 49 Nobel Prize Winners the greatest gathering of brains in history of this country with one exception--when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.